entt_asteroids gif


A native C++ asteroids prototype following the principles of ECS using the Entt library and the Raylib library for rendering.

ECS Boids C++ Entt Raylib
noise gif


A music visualizer for windows, made with Unity.

Real time sound wave analysis with real time computer shader based noise calculation for the visualization of the sound data.

Unity Compute shader Parallel programming C#
boids gif


A parallel implementation of the boids algorithm in Unity.

Using the Unity Job System to manage a big quantyty of boids.

Unity Unity Job system Parallel programming Boids C#
entt_boids gif


A native C++ implementation of the boids algorithm following the principles of ECS using the Entt library and the Raylib library for rendering.

ECS Boids C++ Entt Raylib


A neoVim colorscheme supporting several popular plugins made in Lua.

Small side project to support a tool I use daily, neovim.

Lua Colorscheme Neovim